Common Questions

Yes, Our primary network assignment is to build Covenant relationships with our partners that join the network. The majority of our covenant partners are already apart of great organizations and love the inner action we provide along with our support systems to help develop your ministry.  However our network does provide a covering for those level two partners that request that level of support and accountability. For more information feel free to call, (1-800-514-1117). We also can send you a complete package concerning how we provide Apostolic Covering.

Yes, we do have a complete ordination program. For new ministers we have a great one program for new ministers through Aflame School of Ministry. Upon completion you will receive a Ministers License, after one year of studies and testing. We also provide a anointed and detailed examination for Pastoral Installation, Bishop Ordination and Confirmation of Apostleship. We bring in a team of two or three seasoned Apostles to Confirm or Ordain future leaders.

Our network is simply designed to be a support system for your ministry that emphasis’s the word Covenant Partnership. There many great groups to be affiliated with, simply pray and follow the Holy Spirits leading, we simply ask you to pray about this partnership connection and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.

 People saved and have a calling to ministry. And hold to high moral, holy standards and have two character references. And has completed our Ministry Questionnaire Form.

Our network provides two levels of monthly covenant commitment. The “Level One” covenant is $30.00 per month and “Level Two” is $50.00 per month. See Level Benefits on the Partnership Benefits Page. Both levels provide great access to our leadership staff, Ministry opportunities and tremendous support systems to support your ministry. Upon joining our network you will be surrounded by a tremendous global family environment.

Our network provides two levels of monthly covenant commitment. That’s Level One at $30.00 per month and Level Two at $50.00 per month. For more information click on our Partnership Benefits page.

Call 1-954- 338-7400 to our South  Florida Office for more information. 

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