Contact Our Traveling Ordination Team

Apostle   Terry Ball
Founder  Fivefold Traveling Network
 Over 35 yrs of Ministry Experience   

Apostle Ernest Cobbs
 Founder of Apostolic Thrust Ministries
Over 40 yrs of Ministry Experience   

Apostle John Jackson
Founder of Fivefold Assemblies
 Over 40 yrs ministry Experience

Apostolic Presbytery

A New Testament Apostolic Presbytery is God’s systematic leadership team that functions in spiritual authority and apostolic grace; with the spiritual mandate to properly sanction people called by God into their proper office, after a detailed testing and examination process have taken place.

Our Network provides a biblical book of Acts format for Ordinations, for those ministry gifts. As an Apostolic and Prophetic Kingdom oriented Network, we have a team of three Apostles that performs true Apostolic Ordination. Under the auspices of the Holy Spirit, the ordained Minister(s) is charged and released into ministry. And upon completion of the Ordination an Apostolic blessing is spoken over the individual(s).

The Father, through his Holy Spirit is not only restoring the office of the Apostle to orchestrate Apostolic Presbytery services; he is restoring the structure and order of the Five-Fold Ministry of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher, which will be referred to as (A.P.E.P.T) moving forward.


Three Important Keys

The Importance of Ordination:

In all earthly professions, there’s a process of testing, evaluation, and, an official day of certification. So is it in the Kingdom of God, the day of your Ordination should be set apart as a high holy day. Therefore, our Network provides to its partners a Book of Acts pattern of Ordination, that is officiated by seasoned Apostles, that will travel to your location once proper examination and vetting has been completed.

The Importance of Blessing over your Ministry Work:

One of the key original meanings for the word BLESSED is empowered to prosper. Through this Covenant connection of the Fivefold Ministry Eldership of Apostles, during your ordination ceremony proper time is set aside to pronounce blessings over your life and ministry. Our long standing Network has seen the fruit and testimonial evidence of ministries being properly blessed.

The Importance of being Charged into Ministerial Office:

In 2 Timothy 4:1, the Apostle Paul “Charged” Timothy his spiritual son in the faith, with several admonitions. To receive an Apostolic charge is very biblical and important when being ordained, by seasoned anointed men and women of God. Many Ordinations, Blessings and Apostolic Charges are done out of order. Consequently, resulting in a person having a ministry that never truly launches into Kingdom ministry properly.

Order a Ordination Package: